The People of Peruzzo
At Peruzzo you will also meet the many people who help us in running the business.
Michela, with Ezechiele, Sophie, Nina and Pablo, lives all year in an apartment overlooking the Piazzetta delle zie. Surely you will meet her with her little girls during your walks discovering Peruzzo.
Michela supports Angela, Daniela, Shada and Maurizia and with them takes care of the running of the farmholiday’s apartments.
Ezechiele, expert organic a biodynamic winemaker and cellarman, supervises Peruzzo's wineyard works.
Then there are the farm workers, Gianfranco (known as Piombo), Paolo and Luca.
The first two mainly do the agricultural work of the farm but they also take care of the gardens around the houses, while Luca, who can turn his hand to anything, is responsible for the maintenance of the pool and the houses.
Gianfranco is also in charge of the animals, we suggest that you follow him the morning when he feeds them, because in that way you can observe them close up. Whereas Paolo, after work, spends his time pottering in his kitchen garden in Peruzzo, which he will happily show you around.